Sunday, July 8, 2012

Coney Island Editorial

I recently had a question on Facebook asking what Coney Island looked like in the 1850s. I don't think there were many pictures or even paintings of the place, but this editorial hints at just how rustic Coney Island must have been. Also, how much the Brooklyn Daily Eagle hates Whigs.

SATURDAY, 2 o'clock, P.M.



&c. &c. &c.

We have been put in possession of the proceedings of a mass ratification meeting, held last evening on the beach at Coney Island. The meeting had been called in pursuance of the following circular:--

"GRAND RALLY--All the inhabitants of the nasty deep are requested to meet this evening on Coney Island Beach, to ratify Gen. Scott and the whig ticket. Several distinguished oysters will address the meeting."

At the appointed hour one clam made its appearance.

Seeing no other present the clam proceeded to organize the meeting and addressed itself as follows, amid clam-orous applause. The speech is one of such true whig eloquence that we give it entire. The speaker said, Mr. Clam :

Flam vhpuiadn GLORY caestasid aecd SCOTT bhee othiaisi7 wnSne rsBlrbbusos rsisChu 7otg1, dmsiTukaCm, tmos-xoe oycoyl. Idbropoet wdsne LUNDY'S LANE eebhel wed ueSa ae Soa jaltie….

(And it goes on from that!)

During the delivery of this pathetic and highly eloquent speech, several lobsters and oysters had arrived. At the conclusion of the speech it was found that the clam had dissolved with the strength of his emotions, and it was resolved to serve him up as fresh soup for Gen. Scott, and present the shell to Col. Jack, to be hung around his neck as a clam medal, for his eloquent speech at the City Hotel on the same evening.

--Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Saturday, June 26, 1852

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