Thursday, July 7, 2011

Sale of Oceanic House and Bowling Alley Dispute - 1849

Despite claims that Coney closes after Labor Day, I saw ads for the Oceanic House through Friday, September 15, 1848. That pretty much closes out 1848!

Early 1849 is mostly about foreclosures and such, including notices about the Oceanic House?

At 12 o'clock at the Franklin House.
Supreme court, in equity--under direction of Dan'l Van Voorhis, sheriff--Oceanic House--all that piece of land on Coney Island township of Gravesend, containing 2 1-10th acres--together with buildings erected thereon known as the Oceanic House. For particulars see sheriff's advt in Eagle

--Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Friday, Saturday, April 21, 1849 (and many other days)

Maybe the "ad" they refer to is a Legal Notice?

Legal Notices

SUPREME COURT--Joshua Tomlinson & Chalk ley I. Wills (?) against Allen Clark and Emily his wife and others. RICHARD B. KIMBALL, Attorney.--

In pursuance of a judgment order of this court made in the above entitled action, bearing date the 24th date of February, 1849, I will sell at the Franklin House, No. 15 Fulton Street in the city of Brooklyn, on the 10th day of April, 1849, at 12 o'clock at noon of that day, the following lands and premises--

All that certain piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being at Coney Island, in the town of Gravesend, county of Kings and state aforesaid, bounded and described as follows, to wit : commencing at a point on the easterly side of the Coney Island Bridge Company's turnpike road at a white oak stake adjoining the land now of late of Maria Lott wife of Peter Lott, and running thence easterly alongsaid Maria Lott's land two hundred and forty two feet eight inches to the northeasterly corner of a certain workshop now of late belonging to said Maria wife of said Peter Lott; thence northerly two hundred and eighty six feet to a white oak stake, thence westerly four hundred feet to a white oak stake on the easterly side of said turnpike road, distant two hundred and fifty feet northerly from said first mentioned stake, thence southerly and along the easterly line of the said turnpike road two hundred and fifty feet to the place of beginning--containing two acres and one tenth of an acre, be the same more or less--being the same premises conveyed to said Allen Clark by Court Van Sicklen and Catharine his wife, by deed, dated October 13, 1847, and recorded in Kings county Clerk's office in Iiber (sp?) 169 of con , page 302.

Together with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereun o belonging or in anywise appertaining. Dated Brooklyn, Feb. 24, 1849

f26 lawts DANIEL VAN VOORHIS, Sheriff.

--Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Friday, Monday, April 16, 1849 (and other days)

In a vain attempt to find something else interesting, I continued on. There's an article from June 9, 1849, publishing someone's letters from Brazil dated 1840...they call the white sand where they land "Coney Island sand"...

OK; here is one I'd like to hear more about.

CIRCUIT COURT.--Hon. N. B. Morse.--John J. Sprowl against Hiram R. Howlett, action in relation to a bowling alley at Coney Island. Verdict of the jury--that the plaintiff is entitled to the possession of the property and $109 damages and 6 cents cost. Theodore Sedgewick for pltf. and N. F. Waring for deft....

--Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Friday, Saturday, June 16, 1849

Couldn't find any info on that, though.

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