Thursday, June 30, 2011

Down with the Dust

This is a brilliant picture of city heat in the 1840s. Makes me appreciate my air conditioning, though I wish I was just a quick boat trip away from Coney Island...

"DOWN WITH THE DUST," says the ready money tradesman, and "down with the dust" says the weary city pedestrian while wending his way over heated and dusty streets of the metropolis ; yes, "down with the dust" say all--but down you cannot get it. You may, however, avoid it by taking a trip to Coney Island in any of the beautiful steamers that ply there, either the James Madison, St. Nicholas or Kosciusko. Such a trip is worth more to health and life than all the doctors and physic that can be found in the state. The adv't may be found in another column.

--Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Tuesday, August 8, 1848

The ads referenced seem to be the ones I posted at Though by August, it appears some of the stops and hours had changed, so I suggest you search the Brooklyn Daily Eagle for the steamers if you have a specific date you're interested in...

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