OK, another excursion, but this one's a bit different, so skip ahead to the second paragraph.
GRAND EXCURSION TO CONEY ISLAND, Landing at Fort Hamilton each way.--On and after Monday, July 29th, 1850, for the season, with the steamer OTHELLO, Capt. Rodman, will leave for Coney Island from the pier foot of Watts st. near Canal, at 2 1/2 o'clock P.M. and pier No. 3 North River, at 3 o'clock P.M.
GRAND EVENING EXCURSION TO CONEY ISLAND leaving pier No. 3, N.R., at 6 o'clock; leaving the Island at 8 1/2 o'clock.--For the accommodation of those whose business confines them to the city during the day, the Othello will make an excursion to Coney Island, touching at Fort Hamilton each way, every evening until further notice, thus enabling those of this pent-up metropolis, who cannot avail themselves of the excursion during the day, to enjoy the cool and refreshing breeze from the Ocean, and a bath on the beach of this far famed bathing resort au3 1m*
--New York Daily Tribune, Saturday, August 10, 1850
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